Sunday, October 3, 2010

Heaven and Hell Project

Artist Statement: Heaven and Hell

This project was basically about how you think heaven and hell looks like in your own personal way. Doing this project I saw the difficulty of making five images of how heaven and hell look like, especially with hell. Heaven for me is a place where everything is in peace, happiness and beautiful things are in there. A place where you wouldn’t worry just relax. I did tree images that represented heaven and two images that was hell.

One of the pictures of heaven had a beautiful background as a sky with lovely colors that to me look like it was painted or it was the sunset. I put a black tree because I think it belongs in heaven and trees are pretty with four deer that represented kindness. Because to me deer are gentle that would not hurt anybody and on top of the sky I drew an orange heart that means love or happiness. The second image it has the closed perspective of a tree that has a carve pigeon and the pigeon to me represents freedom because the bird has wings that can fly wherever they want with nobody stopping them. Then it has different types of background of the tree with beautiful colors and a design that I put because I like it. The last image of heaven has two branches with flowers on it that has bright colors like blue, light blue, orange and green. On the bottom of the branch it has the word peace and everything is so simple because I like things that are simple.

The hell images I had trouble doing because hell is the opposite of heaven and so I want to put dark colors. The first image has half of the page is brown with a simple graphic and the other side it has scorpions that are brown also crawling all over the place. It has also a big scorpion and I want to represent bad and evil and so scorpions can hurt someone. The last image it just has a background of black and gray with just two images that both represent bad things.

In this project I had a chance to play with my creativity and see of what I have accomplished. Some images didn’t turn out the way I want it to be, but I learn to play with it.

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